
Schwalbe One HT Tubular

Category: Wheels and Tyres > Tyres > TUBULARS TYRES

Base price:107.76 $
Current price:107.76 $
Reduction:terms-26.88 $
Your price:80.88 $
Estimated shipping price:terms20.42 $
(per item):
Note: VAT charge is excluded for buyers outside Switzerland



  • Description
  • Specifications

To achieve extremely low rolling resistance, a completely new compound,
the OneStar Triple Compound was developed. In recent years there have been strong developments in compounding which have made these kinds of rubber compounds possible. The new triple compound is based on special polymers that have only recently become available.

As a result Schwalbe has achieved a great improvement in the familiar trade-off between rolling resistance, wet grip and durability. The One Star Triple Compound is not only faster; it also delivers the usual good grip and is more cut resistant than previous compounds. This makes the tire significantly more puncture resistant.

Construction type: tubular tire
Material: OneStar-Triple-Compound
Color: black
Weight: approx. 260 gram (at 22-622)
ca. 290g (at 24-622)
Dimension: 22-622 (700 x 22C)
Carcass density (TPI): 127
Maximum load (in kg): 70kg / tire (22-26/622)
Purpose: competition
Available technical data:
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