
Marchisio Lock Rings

Category: Equipment > SPROCKETS MARCHISIO

Base price:11.34 $
Current price:11.34 $
Reduction:terms-3.40 $
Your price:7.94 $
Estimated shipping price:terms9.07 $
(per item):
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  • Description
  • Specifications

Allow the sprockets to be clamped on the splined bodies of the hubs.
Made of steel and light alloy.

LOCK RINGS for Shimano hubs

GMRS: for Shimano 8, 9 speed, of steel.
GMS11: for Shimano 8, 9 and 10 speed with 11 teeth start sprocket, of light alloy.
GMRSL: for Shimano 8, 9 and 10 speed with start sprocket from 12 to 18 teeth, of light alloy.

LOCK RINGS for Campagnolo hubs

GMRC: for Campagnolo 8 speed, of steel.
GMC11: for Campagolo 9s hubs built before 1999 with 11 teeth start sprocket, of light alloy. (Thread M26x1).
GMC1199: for Campagnolo 9s and 10s hub models from 1999 onwards with 11 teeth start
sprocket, of light alloy (Thread M27x1).
GMRCL: for Campagnolo 9s hubs built before 1999 with start sprocket with 12 to 18 teeth,
of light alloy. (Thread M26x1).
GMRCL99: for Campagnolo 9s and 10s hub models from 1999 onwards with start sprocket with
12 to 18 teeth, of light alloy. (Thread M27x1).

N.B. Marchisio sprockets must only be used with Marchisio lock rings.
[and not the original Campagnolo and Shimano ones]. Clamp with a 40 Nm torque.
Always use LOCTITE® 243 oil resistant medium strength threadlocker on the lock ring thread.
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