
Kask Rapido

Category: CLOTHES

Base price:89.59 $
Current price:89.59 $
Reduction:terms-22.34 $
Your price:67.25 $
Estimated shipping price:terms28.35 $
(per item):
Note: VAT charge is excluded for buyers outside Switzerland



  • Description
  • Specifications
Technical description,
Packed with features such as 24 vents positioned for maximum airflow efficiency on a hot summer’s day and our unique Up ’n’ Down fit system, the Rapido delivers professional level performance at an entry level price. Our construction techniques, including the innovative Multi In-Moulding technology guarantee a high level of safety and protection.
Available technical data:
    termsInfo taxes, terms and conditions

    Question about this product?

    For questions about product availability, please indicate in your message size, color, group version and wheels (for bicycles).

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