
Look Cleat Keo

Category: Equipment > Components

Base price:22.57 $
Current price:22.57 $
Reduction:terms-6.81 $
Your price:15.77 $
Estimated shipping price:terms13.61 $
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  • Description
  • Specifications
One very vital note about Look's Bi-Material cleats: They come in two styles. If you have the new-for-2005 Keo pedal system, you must purchase the Keo-specific cleats. If you have any other style of Look pedal -- any model, any year -- you need to choose the Delta cleat. Keo cleats are NOT compatible with any Look pedal system except the Keo. The Delta cleat is compatible with all Look pedals systems except the Keo.

You'll get 2 red cleats (red cleats are the ones that allow float) along with all of the hardware to secure them to your shoes.
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