

SRAM Force Chain 12-speed

Category: Equipment > Components

Base price:47.64 $
Current price:47.64 $
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Beyond an incremental improvement
The Flattop™ technology of the SRAM Force® chain makes it lighter, quieter and stronger. Ride far, long and fast — this chain can go the distance.
The unique link shape allows the chain to be narrower and lighter while increasing strength and providing more space between the outer plates of the chain and the cogs on either side. Result: a quieter chain with faster, more precise shifts.
This chain was specifically optimized for the SRAM Force XG-1270 - 12-speed cassette and SRAM eTap AXS shifting components.


Flattop™ technology enables a narrower chain with quieter operation and increased strength and durability
Hard Chrome™ plated inner link plates and rollers for reduced wear and prolonged life

To enable X-Range™ gearing technology, SRAM has developed a narrower chain. The unique link shape of Flattop™ technology not only allowed for a wider gear range, but also results in quieter drivetrain operation and increased chain strength and durability.

Compatibility: According to the manufacturer this chain can be used with SRAM XG-1270 / XG-1290 cassettes only.
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