

Assos ASSOSOIRES Women’s Summer LS Skin Layer

Category: CLOTHES

Base price:100.63 $
Current price:100.63 $
Reduction:terms-20.13 $
Your price:80.51 $
Estimated shipping price:terms22.61 $
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Full-length coverage and added UV protection, without the bulk. With its refined construction and better-performing fiber blend, the LS Skin Layer is roughly 35% lighter than its Skinfoil predecessor. Aside from shedding a third of the weight of an already lightweight layer, its Circular Seamless construction is free of irritating side seams, creating a uniform tubular knit that’s ultrasoft against your torso and arms, resulting in a breathable, antibacterial LS first layer that keeps you cool, protected, and dry from the base up.


Circular Seamless: A tubular knit technology that’s free of side seams, creating an ultrasoft, comfortable feel against the body.

Raglan Cut: Sleeve design free of a traditional shoulder seam, continuing up to the neck for greater range of motion.
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