
Assos GT Spring Fall Leg Warmers

Category: CLOTHES

Base price:89.53 $
Current price:89.53 $
Reduction:terms-19.72 $
Your price:69.81 $
Estimated shipping price:terms22.67 $
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  • Description
  • Specifications
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An update to the classic leg warmer, featuring the return of our anatomical cut and our most pedal-friendly thermal material for dry, cool conditions.

Behind the product
Though they’re deceptively simple in theory, not all leg warmers are created equal. Our latest model proves the point with a return of our anatomic wrinkle-free shaping and a new, lightly compressive material that moves through the pedal stroke without shining white when stretched across the knee.

Technology overview
The finer details

The new RX EVO textile provides thermal warmth and buttery-soft comfort for cool conditions. Unlike most thermal materials, RX EVO doesn’t blanch while stretching through the pedal stroke.
Available technical data:
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    Question about this product?

    For questions about product availability, please indicate in your message size, color, group version and wheels (for bicycles).

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