
Assos Trail Woman's Liner Shorts

Category: CLOTHES

Base price:134.86 $
Current price:134.86 $
Reduction:terms-26.97 $
Your price:107.89 $
Estimated shipping price:terms22.67 $
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  • Description
  • Specifications
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Liner shorts that blend lightweight support, comfort, and impact protection into a female-specific, trail-focused first layer.

Behind the product
We designed the TRAIL Liner Shorts to keep you comfortably supported off-road. Using our rallyBoxer as a template, we gave the liner shorts a new front panel and waist design and an extended inseam for a cleaner wrap on the thighs. We also strategically placed our removable impactPads at the hips for crash protection during demanding rides.

Technology overview
The finer details

Our ultrasoft warp-knit Aerofit fabric lends its high elasticity and built-in odorControl to the liner’s construction, plus it will also help keep you cool and dry when things heat up.
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    Question about this product?

    For questions about product availability, please indicate in your message size, color, group version and wheels (for bicycles).

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