
Assos Winter Gloves

Category: CLOTHES

Base price:100.86 $
Current price:100.86 $
Reduction:terms-20.17 $
Your price:80.69 $
Estimated shipping price:terms22.67 $
(per item):
Note: VAT charge is excluded for buyers outside Switzerland



  • Description
  • Specifications
Please ask for size and color availability before ordering. Thank you.

The ASSOSOIRES take on winter gloves involves a water-repellent, windproof softshell tailored in a low-bulk silhouette that maintains finger freedom while locking out freezing temperatures and light precipitation or road spray. These gloves equip you with weatherproof comfort for the winter work needed to meet your spring and summer racing goals, and—with finishing details like Winter 3/3 color-coded thread—they make pre-season prep look as good as it feels.
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    Question about this product?

    For questions about product availability, please indicate in your message size, color, group version and wheels (for bicycles).

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