
Assos RSR Thermo Rain Shell Gloves

Category: CLOTHES

Base price:89.53 $
Current price:89.53 $
Reduction:terms-17.91 $
Your price:71.62 $
Estimated shipping price:terms22.67 $
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  • Description
  • Specifications
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2-layer membrane, water-repellent gloves with extended cuffs engineered for the harshest weather and most demanding race conditions.

Behind the product
An upgrade to the neoprene rain glove, our Thermo Rain Shell Gloves block rain, wind, and frigid air while maintaining better bar feel and stowing with less bulk in pockets. Silicone grip maintains security when your hoods are slippery with rain and road spray.

Technology overview
The finer details

The waterShield textile is a classic 2-layer membrane. It’s windproof, waterproof, and accommodates liners as appropriate for any riding conditions.
Available technical data:
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    Question about this product?

    For questions about product availability, please indicate in your message size, color, group version and wheels (for bicycles).

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