
Assos TRAIL Women's Winter Jacket

Category: CLOTHES

Base price:338.84 $
Current price:338.84 $
Reduction:terms-84.65 $
Your price:254.19 $
Estimated shipping price:terms22.67 $
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  • Description
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The TRAIL Winter Softshell is a step up from our rider-favorite Spring/Fall Hoodie —cranking up the heat and boosting protection levels to set a new standard in all-mountain winter protection.

Behind the product
Warmth, protection, and breathability—the old standard would say pick two. We engineered this 3-layer softshell so you could have all three. To make the jacket highly breathable, water-resistant, insulating, and 100% windproof, the main fabric is equipped with a bonded membrane to ensure that you stay fully shielded from icy winter air, rain, and snow. We paired this winterproof barrier with body-mapped panels of our RX EVO+, added to the upper arms, side panels, back, and with a helmet-compatible hood, to manage moisture and keep the breathability levels high.

Technology overview
The finer details

We applied patented NEOS MEDIUM windproof, water-repellent, and highly breathable softshell to the front, lower arms, upper back, and collar. Used for the upper arms, hood, and lower back, RX EVO+ is a brushed warp-knit with asymmetrical stretch and ECO water-repellent that provides exceptional comfort, wicks moisture, and adds high levels of insulation. Our dyneRope, a high-density woven textile with ripstop weave, reinforces the elbows to protect exposed areas from abrasion.
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