
Assos RSR Winter Speed Booties

Category: CLOTHES

Base price:130.32 $
Current price:130.32 $
Reduction:terms-28.67 $
Your price:101.65 $
Estimated shipping price:terms20.40 $
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  • Description
  • Specifications
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A more aerodynamic evolution of our winter booties, featuring upgraded textiles across the ankle and a reduced volume for layering beneath tights.
Behind the product
The new RSR Winter Speed Booties combine the speed-focused fit of the summer model with the protection and insulation required for winter. The booties feature a lower volume, more aerodynamic fit by eliminating the zipper and using more elastic, pre-mapped textiles. They remain windproof, waterproof, and warm, but they also layer frictionlessly with tights and wrap the calf area in a zeroPressure, second-skin fit.

Technology overview
The finer details

Wrapping the ankle, Airblock.888 is the midweight version of our new Airblock family of technical membranes developed in-house. It insulates and blocks wind and water, protecting the personal microclimate against variable conditions. The forefoot panel is the breathable, insulated Neos Medium 3L softshell, which boosts thermoregulation while still providing an aerodynamic fit. SportGrip on the sole adds durability and walking traction.
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    For questions about product availability, please indicate in your message size, color, group version and wheels (for bicycles).

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