
Ceramicspeed bottom bracket

Category: Equipment > Components

Base price:361.83 $
Current price:361.83 $
Reduction:terms-72.37 $
Your price:289.47 $
Estimated shipping price:terms22.61 $
(per item):
Note: VAT charge is excluded for buyers outside Switzerland



  • Description
  • Specifications
There are 2 versions: Standard and Coated Bearings. CeramicSpeed Bearings come installed in cups and are connected through the shell. Both have super round CeramicSpeed Balls and hardened-steel races. The CeramicSpeed Coated Bearings have an additional attribute: a 3-micron thick metallic layer over the races. This addition makes the races harder and smoother, lowering drag and increasing life.
Available technical data:
    termsInfo taxes, terms and conditions

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