

Order Summary

Shipping costs:
Extra ship:
Taxes:export free tax

Total (CHF):


Accepted payment methods

  • info
  • ship
  • review
  • pay
  • thanks

Customer Info

Your billing information

(*) Birth date (mm-dd-yyyy)
Your SHIPPING ADDRESS if different than billing address

Do you want to create an ACCOUNT and save data for future purachases
The Username will be your email address
Additional information and notes

Accepted payment methods


Please select the preferred shipping option:

Economy Shipping
• delivery in 5-15 days for Europe
• delivery in 8-20 days worldwide
+ 8.00 CHF - Priority shipping
• delivery in 3-6 days for Europe
• delivery 4-12 days worldwide
+ 14.00 CHF - Priority shipping
• with ensurance and tracking number
• delivery in 3-6 days for Europe
• delivery in 2-12 days worldwide

The shipping costs are calculated by summing the unit cost of shipment of each item with its packaging you put in the shoppingcart. If you buy more than one item, normally we optimize the packaging to reduce shipping costs, so if there will be any differences compared to the cost of shipping exposed here, it will be given promptly returned to you after the order confirmation.

Final order review

Billing Address

Shipping Address

Notes special instructions

Create new user account

Shipping options

Shipping costs

Base shipping costs


Product Options Quantity Price

Grand Total

Grand Total (CHF)

Please note that the default site currency is the Swiss Franc (CHF/Sfr).
Transaction will be made in CHF/SFr.
International rates given are only indicative and not legally binding.

Security payment notice

Payment transactions are secured with 128bits enryption and granted by
Yellowpay and The Swiss Post
Amount due:

I accept the General Terms and Conditions
[ View terms ]

Accepted payment methods

Thank you

Your order N. is successfully completed.

We will begin processing yor order as soon as possible (normally in 24 hours).
Below you find your order details and you will receive soon an email with all the information.

In any case for any further assistance with your order please feel free to call us at +41-91-6461183 or by email at

Edit - Billing Address

Update your billing address

Edit - Shipping Address

Update your Shipping address

Edit - Notes

Update your notes or special instructions

Edit - Shipping options

Update your preferred shipping option:

Economy Shipping
(delivery in 5-15 days for Europe, 8-20 days worldwide)
+ 8.00 CHF - Priority shipping
(delivery in 3-6 days for Europe, 4-12 days worldwide)
+ 14.00 CHF - Priority shipping with ensurance and tracking number
(delivery in 3-6 days for Europe, 2-12 days worldwide)